For all of us greatness comes in all shapes and sizes. Some packages of greatness comes from the most unexpected of places.
Poseidon was one of the Olympian Gods and he is well known as being the God of the Ocean. Of course we would expect an insurmountable level of greatness from a God who reigns over the ocean, but let's go back to my previous statement of greatness coming in all shapes and sizes.
I am fascinated by all creatures of the ocean, I could spend all day in the ocean watching the comings and goings of the small inhabitants of a reef. While seahorses aren't prevalent to all areas of the ocean as they are delicate creatures that need calm waters to live in, they still fascinate those that take the time to discover their uniqueness. Did you know that it's the male of the species that carries the young until the eggs hatch? Ladies, wouldn't that be great?
For that alone I have titled this painting after the Olympian God of the Ocean.